Chemical Guys Wipe Out Surface Cleanser Spray 500ml

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  • Regular price £13.95
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Removes old layers of protection
Chemical Guys Wipe-Out is the surface prep spray that strips old layers of glaze, sealant, and wax. Proper surface prep is a critical step in polishing and paint correction, and to guarantee maximum adhesion of fresh layers of vehicle coatings, sealant, and wax. Strip old layers of grease, oil, and polish with Wipe-Out to uncover the totally-pristine surface. Check polishing work to ensure no swirl or scratch was hiding underneath polish residue or old wax. Help your coatings, glaze, sealant, and wax bond stronger, look better, and last longer by properly stripping away old layers with Wipe-Out. While polishing away swirls and scratches, used polish can fill lighter defects and blemishes, making them harder to see and repair. Use Wipe-Out to remove spent polish for proper inspection of paintwork for satisfactory results. The old detailer’s trick used IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) to remove polish residue for painted panels. While the alcohol and water mixture dissolved any residue, it was not slick enough to prevent fresh swirls and scratches caused by light airborne debris or rough microfiber towels. Wipe-Out is formulated with special lubricating and anti-static agents to help prevent scratches while wiping dust or polish residue. Wipe-Out helps prevent polishing residue and dust from sticking to freshly-finished panels for reduced prep time after polishing and before a coat of wax. Prepare your car for the best look and protection with Chemical Guys Wipe-Out Surface Prep Spray.

The Chemical Guys Wipe Out Surface Cleanser Spray 500ml destined to impress, and priced at only £13.95, for a limited time.

Inventory Last Updated: Feb 12, 2025