Stale air and foul odours have met their match with Chemical Guys zesty lemon lime this combination air freshener and odour eliminator replaces old food smells, body odours, cooking fumes, and musty air conditioning funk with the tangy zing of fresh-cut lemons and limes.
Unlike cheap car wash air freshener scents, Chemical Guys Zesty Lemon Lime goes the distance. Any run of the mill air freshener maker can synthesize a crude citrus scent, but only Chemical Guys blends Zesty Lemon Lime with citrus fruit extracts for an authentic citrus essence experience. Chemical Guys brews every premium air freshener and odor eliminator with natural ingredients, refined essential oils, and water-based bases that won’t stain fabrics or leave sticky residues inside the car. Air freshener cartridges and cans can last a while but they take up space inside the car, and they’re eyesores! The refined scents and odor elimination enzymes work long after. One spray of Zesty Lemon Lime works for weeks on end and takes up no more room than the air space inside the cabin. Save space, and enjoy the space inside your car with the refreshing scent of fresh citrus and Chemical Guys Zesty Lemon Lime Air Freshener.
Inventory Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025