Juicy Foam Lance Metal Gauze (single)

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  • Regular price £7.00
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Over a period of time the gauze in your foam lance may get blocked by soap scum or limescale if you live in a hard water area! Replacing the gauze will have you lance working like new!!

Foam Lance Gauze

Now they are available to buy!!

Is your foam lance is not working like it used to? Runny foamy water? Then replace your gauze in the foam lance with a new one! Over time the gauzes do sometimes get blocked with soap scum or, If you live in a "hard water" area - limescale. Now you can get your lance working like new again!

Made of quality stainless steelEasy to replace

Also Included step by step guide how to change!!

The Juicy Foam Lance Metal Gauze (single) destined to impress, and priced at only £7.00, for a limited time.

Inventory Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025